Unlocking the power of collagen: Boosting Hair Thickness and Growth

Unlocking the power of collagen: Boosting Hair Thickness and Growth

Understanding Collagen:

Alright, so first things first, what exactly is collagen? Think of it as the scaffolding of your body—it’s the most abundant protein, giving structure and support to your skin, bones, and even your hair follicles. Without enough collagen, things start to sag, wrinkle, and, you guessed it, thin out.

Collagen and Hair Health:

Now, onto the good stuff—how collagen impacts our hair. Sure, we know hair is mostly made of keratin, but collagen is like the behind-the-scenes hero. It helps keep those hair follicles strong and healthy, ensuring they can pump out those strands we love so much.

Boosting Thickness:

Ever wish your hair had more oomph? Collagen might be the answer. See, as we age, our collagen levels drop, and our hair can suffer (I know mines started to in my 40’s)—becoming thinner and more brittle. But by adding collagen back into the mix, we’re essentially giving our hair the building blocks it needs to bulk up and look fuller.

Promoting Growth:

But wait, there’s more! Collagen doesn’t just stop at thickness—it’s also a growth booster. Studies have shown that collagen can kickstart the cells responsible for hair growth, giving our follicles the nudge they need to keep those strands coming.

How to Incorporate Collagen into Your Hair Care Routine:

Now, the million-dollar question: how do we get more collagen into our lives? Well, there are a few ways:

1. Supplements: You can find collagen supplements in all sorts of forms—powders, pills, you name it. They’re easy to incorporate into your daily routine and can make a big difference over time.
2. Topical Treatments: Some hair products are packed with collagen, giving your strands a direct hit of goodness. Look for shampoos, conditioners, and masks with collagen listed high up on the ingredient list.
3. Dietary Sources: Don’t forget about food! Bone broth, chicken skin, fish—all great sources of collagen. And let’s not overlook fruits and veggies, like berries and citrus fruits, that can also help boost your collagen intake.

Alright, folks, there you have it—collagen, the unsung hero of hair care. Whether you’re looking to add thickness, promote growth, or just keep your strands looking their best, collagen could be your new best friend. So why wait? Start incorporating collagen into your routine today and get ready to rock those fabulous locks!


Where to buy:

I personally purchase my collagen in liquid form, for easy absorption. I like to keep it simple, and don’t like to have to add vitamin c. The brand I take is Nature’s Truth, which a client hooked me on to from  Lindo’s. You can also purchase it on Amazon. It also comes in powder form. 
Keep me posted on your hair journey with updates once you start incorporating collagen into your hair/skincare routine. 

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